nedjelja, 15. kolovoza 2010.

Death Star sizes

Death Star I

Death star is 135 mm high and 141 mm wide in this shot. Equatorial trench is 0.9 to 1 mm high.

Now we have following shots:

Falcon is around 22.5 meters width. That gives width of bay to be 33.088 meters. Height of bay is 33 mm or 14.55 meters at rate of 44 centimeters per milimeter.

If we return to previous shots, we will see that larger depression Falcon is entering is around 15 times larger in height than bay alone. That gives us 218.25 meters. Trench itself is 3 times larger in height than that area, or 654.75 meters. That gives us rate of either 654.75 meters or 727.5 meters for one milimeter in first shot. That means that DSI is either 92 or 102.6 kilometers wide. Height would be either 88.4 or 98.2 kilometers.

However, I found another shot which could give us better scaling:

In this shot, trench is 1 mm high, with DS being 187 mm high and 204 mm wide. Using previus values of 654.75 meters and 727.5 meters for one milimeter, we can get following values of either 122 438 or 136 042.5 meters for DSI height and either 133 569 meters or 148 410 meters for DSI width.

Death Star II

In this shot trench is 0.9 mm high. From RotJ it is clear it is similar in size to DSI trench, which means that 1 mm here is either 727.5 or 808.3 meters. DSII is around 198 mm wide; I measured height of 200 mm but it could be 181.5 mm if we assume DS1 height-width ratio. That means that DSII is either 144 045 or 160 043 m wide; height could be 132 041, 146 706, 145 500 or 161 660 meters.


I will go with DSI being 122 438 meters high and 133 569 meters wide; for DSII I would take values of 160 043 meters wide and 146 706.5 meters high.

P.S. : I would like to thank Darkstar beacouse I used some screencaps from his "Death Star sizes" page. Work on scaling is completely mine, thought.

I would also like to warn enyone who wants to check my work that shots here are rescaled by webpage; if you want to do scaling yourself, open images in new tab or new window or download them to your computer.

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