subota, 9. listopada 2010.

EU Sources contradicting EII ICS (from SFJ)

Displayed firepower too low:

X-Wing: Krytos Trap

X-Wing: The Bacta War

X-Wing: Isard's Revenge

X-Wing: Solo Command

Showdown at Centerpoint


Star Wars Rebellion #10

Heir to the Empire comic book

Vector Prime

Displayed FTL speeds too low:

Tyrant's Test

Heir to the Empire

Displayed STL speeds too low:

Vector Prime

Contradicts fighter/capital ship firepower relationship:

X-Wing: Isard's Revenge

X-Wing: The Bacta War

The Hutt Gambit

Dark Force Rising

Legacy of the Force: Betrayal

Implicitly places capital ship firepower too low via comparison with targets/superweapons

Tyrant's Test

Vector Prime

Dark Empire Sourcebook

New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Weapons

Death Star

Places a fusion/fission generator as the power source for a ship volumetrically competitive in warfare:

The Truce at Bakura

Star Wars Sourcebook

Star Wars Roleplaying Game: Saga Edition

Weapons range:

X-Wing: Isard's Revenge

X-Wing: The Bacta War

X-Wing: The Krytos Trap

X-Wing: Solo Command

Tyrant's Test

Misc. other contradictions:

Shields too weak vs sun - "Heir to the Empire"

Cables used to transmit power - "Vision of the Future"

Implicit contradiction of army sizes via the number of clones - "Guide to the Grand Army of the Republic," Republic Commando books, Odds

Fuel consumption mismatch - SWRPG.

NJO: Star by Star - Vong cruiser blown up by 1,000 kg baradium warhead.

petak, 8. listopada 2010.

ICS fallacies

200 gigaton heavy turbolasers on Republic transport ship - nonexistent.

Base Delta Zero - just take look at following quotes:

"The First Sun is a repulsorlift infantry regiment designed primarily to run search-and-destroy missions, which he troops of the unit jocularly refer to as SLAMs (Search, Locate, Annihilate mission). Indeed, the regiment often undertakes missions with the same objective as the "Base Delta Zero" command: the elimination of all assets of production, including factories, land, mines, fisheries, droids, and sapient beings (particularly any witnesses that may have seen atrocities being commited)."--Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim

" "Sir, what about bombardment? Is there a stage for that?"

"Blasting a planet from orbit is easy -- you don't need me to tell you how to do that. Limited orbital strikes would occur during the invasion stage. Just hope you are never given a Base Delta Zero order, lieutenant. Ah, yes, another question?"

"Sir, what's the Base Delta Zero order?"

"Base Delta Zero is the Imperial code order to destroy all population centres and resources, including industry, natural resources and cities. All other Imperial codes are subject to change, as you well know, but this code is always the same to prevent any confusion when the order is given. Base Delta Zero is rarely issued. ...."

-- "A World to Conquer" "

ponedjeljak, 4. listopada 2010.

Star Trek vs Star Wars - nature of technology

Star Wars

Star Wars technology seems to be based on extensive use of EM technology - repulsors at least are EM based, which is based on their performance. Also, ISD was forced to shoot asteroids to keep them out of way.


Star Trek

Star Trek technology is particle-based, including extensive use of gravitons and gravitational technology, plus manipulation of space-time continuum (warp drive; SW hyperdrive probably does similar thing). Shields are at least partially graviton-based.
